Hello fellow WAFs! My name is Morgan. And whether you live in Charleston or are planning to move here soon, I hope this guide is helpful for you! I am here to share everything I love about Charleston so you can quickly feel like you’re at home and a part of the Charleston WAF family 🙂 Feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions or just want to get together!

Things to know about Charleston Air Force Base

The Charleston Farmers Market every Saturday in the Spring and Summer and Fall in Marion Square. Love supporting local vendors and purchasing fresh fruits and veggies. 

Morgan Charleston.png

Looking for more specific recommendations from the WAF community on topics like best neighborhoods, favorite restaurants, or doctor recommendations – join the conversation in our private Facebook group of incredible WAFs!

In an effort to better serve every WAF across all branches, and with the help of some amazing other WAFs, we’ve curated branch specific Facebook groups. You can find your branch’s group by joining the general WAF Facebook page and then clicking “visit group”.

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