We don’t often get choices as a military family, but when we do, we usually overanalyze that choice until we develop decision paralysis. It’s such a struggle to be presented with multiple options when you’re used to just being told what needs to happen. However, we think with TRICARE you can’t really go wrong because either way the coverage just goes unmatched – it’s a huge perk we’re afforded as military families. That might be an unpopular opinion to some, but we’ve both been on TRICARE Select and TRICARE Prime at different times and considered ourselves grateful for TRICARE insurance during each season. If you find yourself unsure if you’re on the right plan and wishing you would’ve opted for the other – don’t fret! TRICARE open enrollment is here to give you the opportunity to make that swap!

What is TRICARE Open Season?

Open season is the one-time-a-year window where you can swap your TRICARE coverage if you’re wanting to switch and is offered to anyone enrolled in or eligible for a TRICARE option. It’s offered annually, usually toward the end of the year (November – December).

What can I do in TRICARE Open Season?

You can either stay in your current plan if you’re happy with it, enroll in a plan if you currently aren’t, or swap plans if you’d prefer different coverage. 

Do I Have to Take Action During Open Season?

Nope! If you’re enrolled and happy with the plan you’re on, no action is necessary.

Why is Open Season so Important? Can’t I Switch Plans Anytime?

Open Season is so important because you can’t switch plans anytime you want unless you meet certain requirements for a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). You can read more on what a QLE is HERE or call TRICARE and ask them if you qualify.

How Do I Know Which Plan is Right for Me?

We did a little breakdown of TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select so you can determine which plan is the best for you! If you’re just getting started with TRICARE we recommend starting with THIS post and then exploring the plan breakdowns.

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